
J. T. Katrakis & Associates, Inc.

Energy and Environmental Consulting, Engineering, & Management

Our Clients

Prisco, Serena, Sturm Architects
Engineering Services
Providing design engineering services for the design and construction of a new visitors center and rehab of related existing properties for the Lake County Forest Preserve, north of metropolitan Chicago. The MEP design incorporates energy efficiency and environmental features that conform to the available natural resources and municipal infrastructure at the site and will serve as a valuable demonstration to the public using these facilities. This is expected to be a LEED-certifiable project.

Holsten Management Corporation
Energy Engineering Consulting

JKAclient1Client122706Provided design review of the MEP design/build plans for renovation of the Hilliard Homes high-rise residential properties in Chicago. This is a fast-track project that has identified significant and quick payback opportunities to the heating, cooling and lighting systems that are heating and cooling systems. Provided trouble-shooting assistance and recommended changes in the installation of the very high efficiency heating plants at these properties to increase their reliability. Diagnosed the cause of furnace shut-downs at another property.

Center for Neighborhood Technology
LEED Consulting and Commissioning

JKACNTDesignClients122706Assisted the design team working on the renovation and expansion of the headquarters of the Center for Neighborhood Technology. In order to establish this building as a cutting edge example of green building design for adaptive reuse projects, we facilitated the application of the U.S. Green Building LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building design guidelines. A Platinum rating was achieved. We also provided full commissioning services for this project.

Ameresco Citizens Energy Corporation
Chicago Housing Authority
Energy Studies & Engineering Services
For the Ameresco-Citizens Energy Corporation, served as head of the local energy audit team that surveyed eight (8) public housing campuses in the Chicago Housing Authority system beginning in 1990. Engineer-of-Record for and provide engineering services for converting from 50 year old district heating to decentralized very high efficiency heating systems at 1999 Hilliard Elderly, 2000 Hilliard    Family and 2001 Wentworth Gardens and now at Midwest Terrace. Our services include: develop the conceptual design and verify projected savings;  provide final design and related drawings and specs; assist during the construction management phase. The expected energy and O&M savings for the $ 5 million heating system renovations are over $500,000 per year.

Community Energy Cooperative
Development & Engineering Services

Since 1999 we have been providing various  services to the Community Energy Cooperative. a corporation that spun-off from the Center for Neighborhood Technology and Commonwealth Edison. Services include: 1999--assistance in defining and developing the energy management services of the Cooperative; 2000--developing and installing a remote electricity monitoring network for CEC members; 2001--delivering energy management services to businesses in the areas of ComEd's service territory where there is a need to reduce the peak demand for electricity (Pilsen/Little Village in Chicago and Niles). The interventions address the best available treatments for all the building including lighting, HVAC, process, and building envelope. They also include providing on-site power generation from state-of-the-art technologies such as micro-turbines.

Roy F. Weston, Inc. & City of Chicago
Rooftop Garden Design

A member of the design team that included ConservaRooftopGardention Design Form and William McDonough+Partners for the rooftop garden of the City Hall of the City of Chicago. Responsible for modeling the effects of the planned rooftop garden on City Hall's energy use and costs, local air temperatures and humidity. We also developed projections on the aggregate effect on regional energy use and power needs resulting from expanded garden areas in the metropolitan region of Chicago. The American Society of Landscape Architects presented J. T. Katrakis & Associates with the 2002 Merit Award for the Chicago City Hall Green Roof project.

City Colleges of Chicago
Comprehensive Energy Engineering & Consulting Services

For Center for Neighborhood Technology served as Project Manager for multi-year services covered the following campuses: Malcolm-X, Harry S. Truman I & II, R. J. Daley, Olive-Harvey, Kennedy-King, Lakeside Learning Center and the Administrative Center. Assisted in the following: develop multi-year energy management strategy, conduct energy studies, implement low-cost and no-cost measures, prepare design specifications, construction management, monitoring & verification procedures, staff training; obtain over $850,000 in grant awards from the federal Institutional Conservation Programs (ICP). Implemented capital improvements such as lighting retrofits, Energy Management Systems, variable speed drives. Cumulative Avoided Energy Costs and billing corrections during six years of our services totaled over $2.2 million with annual avoided utility costs of $300,000 per year at a payback of under six months. Additional operation & maintenance and capital improvements have been analyzed that will yield over $1 million in additional energy savings at about a four year simple payback.

City of Chicago District Power Project
Energy Conservation Survey

JKADearbornWholeClients122706smallersizeFor Landis & Staeffa, served as Energy Consultant for comprehensive energy studies of: the Chicago Public Schools Whitney-Young Magnet High School and Skinner Elementary School and at North Park Village: the North Side Learning Center; the Senior Housing; Park District Offices; Health Center; Ecology Center. Included a survey of the new 911 Headquarters for the City of Chicago. The survey identified a comprehensive set of measures to reduce energy consumption and both gas and electricity peak loads. The projected new loads were calculated as part of a feasibility study for building a district cogeneration facility.


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